Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Highland Charge

It has been a long time since I posted something here, it has been a very busy time. One of the last things I have finished painting is this ECW diorama. The miniatures are from Redoubt from their ECW Highlander Range, packs: Highlanders with various two handed weapons, Highlanders with various swords and separate shields, Monk, Highland chieftain, Highland piper, and Highland tambour man. They come in two parts, torsos and legs, so you can get a lot of different and dynamic poses. They are running downhill in that crazy charge ready to smash any foes in their way. I really enjoyed preparing this.


BigRedBat said...

Looking very fine, Andres! Nic eto have you back again.


EinarOlafson said...

Thank you Simon!!

Dalauppror said...

Welcome back! Lovely painted diorama !

best regards dalauppror